Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fabulous lesson

So had a lesson today with Parelli Pro Kresney Craft. She helped me saddle and ride my youngster who I've only been on a few times.
We saddled and worked out some LBI 'I'm not standing there' issues. She has me back up or disengage Star everytime she walked off. Worked beautifully! Played online with the green ball for the first time ever and Star LOVED it! She pushed it all over the place!!
Once I mounted Kresney had me ride in a circle using "Look, leg, stick, rein" and it was super effective! By the end I was riding with just a look :) super happy with how my lesson went!

Take aways- Make sure I make standing still for saddling/mounting very important
Have less rest/pause time inbetween so my horse doesnt get bored and do something else.

Today was really cool!

Also watched her give a lesson to two other girls and went over some different rein positions. Really awesome! Can't wait until the workshop she's doing next weekend!!

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